How can I do my banking online?
If you enter your username and password but can't log in...
Your username is probably blocked for security reasons. If this is the case, call us on 963 085 000 and one
of our managers will help you access your online banking service as normal.
Your ID needs to be up-to-date
For security and legal reasons, in order to bank online, both via the app and the website, your ID must be
up-to-date. But if it's not, don't worry. When you enter the app or website, you'll get a message that will
take you directly to the steps you need to carry out. Having an up-to-date ID is essential for some of the
most typical operations, such as making a transfer.
Forgotten your password? It's very easy to reset
In the app, on the screen where you have to enter your password, click on the text "Forgotten your
password?”. On the website, under the space where you normally enter your password, there's a link with the
title "Are you having problems logging in?". Make sure you have your ID and one of your Banco Sabadell cards
handy. Click, follow the steps and you'll get an SMS on your mobile to reset your password.
Does your mobile have fingerprint or facial recognition? Activate this to identify yourself via the
Banco Sabadell app and Sabadell Wallet
This is the easiest and most secure way to identify yourself. You can easily activate this via the Banco
Sabadell app by entering "Profile and settings", then "Access" and clicking on "Access with your
fingerprint". Just follow the instructions on the screen.
How can I allow others to access my business accounts?
You can manage authorisations to allow another person to initiate the main collection and payment operations
via the "Administration" menu. Go to the "New limited access code" or "Limited access code management"
section, depending on whether you want to create a new access code or change the settings for existing
authorisations. Please note that people with limited access codes can initiate operations but you will still
have to sign them.